Showing posts with label Writing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Writing. Show all posts

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


First I want to share that I got accepted to the Altenew's Educator Program. Really excited to teach again and to explore more creative ways to combine stamping and lot's of other techniques within my hybrid projects. It's an honor to be a part of a team that's dedicated te learn and pass it forward. We can only be truly happy by sharing. Sharing is Caring, right? 

This is a project I feel really connected with. Ali is sharing her knowledge and inviting us to do the work. That's how it should be. As Ali says: "We are all students of life, we all are learning and don't know all the answers". So true ofcourse, coming from a motivational speaker background. 

Nobody can do the work for you, they can inspire you, take the leadership but you need to take the action. Only you can do that, nobody can do that for you. 

With just one word, a year long we are building our lives. It's not about the album, it's about the journey. Ofcourse the products makes it more fun. Going Hybrid style. And I am loving it. 

One little word 2019 is what I am currently dedicated to. I will share my January prompt design pages (it's a lot) in a couple of days. Worked really hard on it and love the way it turned out. But mostly I loved to think about my life and researching my word and what it means to me. Reflecting on my own life. It can be tough. But in the process you learn and grow. That's only possible in our toughest times. 

I noticed that I didn't even share my word. The meaning of this word is not in the dictionary. "Nothing in life has a meaning, only the meaning you give to it". Remember this and be gentle with yourself. 

Credits: Template: Ali Edwards, Letters: Elif Sahin Designs

Photography & Journalling 

Element Credits: Ali Edwards Design and Elif Sahin Design

Credits: Ali Edwards Habit digital kit January 2019
This months story kit theme from "Ali Edwards" is "habit". We are looking ways to tell our stories about the habits we have or want to have. Lucky for me I get the digital kit for free so I can create my own photo's and design every month. I am planning to start an album where I will have the place to document the monthly themes and tell as many stories as I can with the products, stamps and the digital kit. 

In the process of doing this I already trying to stick with my new habit of Journalling and Photography. These photo's above are shot in the dark and not edited. But I love the way they turned out. The angle is perfect. First pic is of me behind my desk stamping. The second photo by the christmas tree is me, at 5 am in the morning, journalling... 

And my journalling looks like this: (this is a shot from last night... ) 

This is a quick overview, I will be sharing the TLP pocketletter swap I am participating in soon. Right now I am focusing on learning and growing. Behind the scenes there is a lot going on with projects and maybe a spot on an amazing designteam. For now this is what I can share with you. 


Friday, January 11, 2019


I just received my Story and Stamp "JOY" kit from Ali Edwards. Can't wait to play with it. You can still purchase this kit till January 13th. 
Before I dive in to the "JOY" class I will take the invitation from Ali to share my top 10 joyful moments (intuitive writing, not giving it much thought, that way you end up writing everything that you relate to JOY unconsciously)
My top 10 JOYful moments: 
1. The moment when you wake up with a really sweet message from your daughter: "Mom I love you, wish you were here" 

2. The moment when you realize that you have so many things to be grateful for and a genuine smile appears on your face. 

3. The moment when you are on your way to work, filled with so much gratitude, that you have a job in the first place. 

4. The moment when you hug your children and it feels like you've never been apart. 

5. The moment when you speak up for those who can't with the knowing it is the right thing to do.

6. The moment when you have a nice little conversation with a complete stranger on your way home. 

7. The moment when you think about JOY and you realize again that JOY is in everything and anything.

8. The moment when you come home after a hard day of work and your cat is welcoming you with cuddles on the couch and you still have your coat on. 

9. The moment when you miss your children so much and still find the strength to stay positive and give grace because they are worth every tiny bit of pain. Instantly the pain turns into a blessing. 

10. The moment when you feel so proud of yourself for standing up to a men who's treating you like garbage. 
Bonus: I learned that my JOYFUL moments are the moments others would describe as PAIN or STRUGGLE. Both are true, it depends on your point of view that is defined by the season you are in. 
Thanks for letting me share

Kind Regards, 
