Showing posts with label projects. Show all posts
Showing posts with label projects. Show all posts

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Saturday, January 19, 2019


Credits: Digital Stamp: Ali Edwards Design

Inspiration for this blogpost:
I read THIS blogpost of Ali Edwards as soon she posted it on her blog, but I didn't react to it at the time since I was coming back to scrapbooking again. So much has changed. It was a bit hard for me to figure everything out. 
A little about my background story:
I started scrapbooking back in 2005. Ali Edwards and "Elsie Flannigan" where my inspirations (also "Kristina Contes" who was on the HAMBLY SCREENPRINTS designteam at the time). 
Kristina was/is an amazing artist for sure. I remember contacting Kristina after I saw on a blog, where they bullied everyone who had a little bit of recognition for their work, my name after my appearance as "Prima Marketing" Guest designer and calling me names and  a whole topic about me (well, I wasn't that successful or something. I didn't understand what I did wrong). I was in tears when I reached out to Kristina. 
Why did I approach Kristina? 
She was the main target of that blog with anonymous responses. I just wanted to know how she dealt with all of it. And I will never forget the advice she gave me: "Emine, don't read it, don't even look, it's not worth of it". She was right. Even though they were so cruel to her, she found it in her heart to not respond or look at it. To be the better person. She was wise enough to not even lower herself to that level. That's how I know who Kristina really is.
I would love to know how she is doing now and hope she is still creating. And if I had the chance, I would thank her for her advice. Because it truly saved my life later on. 
And then:
In 2009 i had to quit. Live happened (Kristina's advice in the back of my mind). Now I am back again and a bit confused, excited about the new concepts in the scrapbook industry but still a bit reminiscing about the "good old days". Where we had more a forum and blog community (not that blog I mentioned above) instead of Facebook. Although I am getting used to it and I am trying to embrace this new way of sharing... 
Ali's Approach to Memory Keeping: 
What I love the most is the way Ali Edwards approaches scrapbooking. "Storytelling" and "Memory Keeping" sounds more right to me. That's what we do, we document our lives and tell the stories of our lives. Loved what Ali said and asked in the "Main Presentation" of her new January "Habit" Story kit class:
"Storytelling as a method of personal growth

"How has memory keeping impacted your personal growth?"


My Project Plans for 2019: 

Credits: Ali Edwards Design

Ofcourse, almost finished, taking my time to really work with my word "Grind" and it has already made me realize a LOT. For instance that my word is not what I think it meant. "Grind" is a word used in the world of motivational/inspirational speakers as "don't give up", "believe in yourself", "Life with purpose", "work hard for what you believe" etc.. When i looked it up it said a whole another thing. I knew that I had to give this word my own definition. 
So I wrote: " Nothing has a meaning, only the meaning you give to it". I struggled but I made it.... LOL

Credits: Ali Edwards Design

Last year I was way too late to order my kit through the box system. I took my photo's and told my stories in a journal and lived my "magically imperfect" December 2018 to the fullest. I participated in your workshop: "Storytelling with December Daily" (wow, would love to have the opportunity to leave reviews, I learned so much, amazing content, I would recommend this class to ANYONE who likes DD. For real. 

So that project is done for me. (I might create an album but I don't put myself into that pressure" I can tell you that this was the BEST way for me to get into scrapbooking and the new way of storytelling. And I like it. Definitely will be participating this year again. 

Credits: Ali Edwards Design

I am looking forward to it. I definitely will be participating in their classes too. 

Credits: Janette Lane

I need to create 3 hybrid pocket letters this month (1 for a pall in Germany, 1 for a pall in my Country, Netherlands and 1 for a pall in USA) Amazing concept and a very happy me when I receive them in the mail. Makes me smile... It's like a RAK (Random Act Of Kindness) we used to do, but more fun. 

Love them so much. I have a subscription for 12 months. (or years)
The class content and products are my favorite... 

I want to explore, in dept, which project or concept suits me the most. I don't travel that much but I would love to create albums telling the stories about the 4 times a year I get to see my children. That includes traveling, but mostly I want to document everything we do and say to each other in that short time we have together. Turning missing my children into celebrating the bond and love we have, the fun, the cuddles and kisses. 
7) Last but not least, maybe the most important project to me is recreating: 
Every single layout, mini-album possible I created for my daughters. I might have lost all of them, but Thank God I kept sharing it on my blog. When I found the them online (baby pictures of my daughters, the layouts I created, the thoughts I shared) it felt like I got my identity back, my memories, the details. I don't feel sad, the opposite I am excited to have the opportunity to tell all those beautiful memories again. I guess the Story planner would be very helpful.With what I now know. I'm Grateful for sure. 
Years of scrapbooking for my family and magazine work I learned that not every story has to be about the good times or good things in our lives. Sometimes telling the story about something you are frustrated about can be so therapeutic. I have created a lot of layouts about my panic attacks or feeling lonely. There is no rule in memory keeping right? We got to do what feels right for us. Now years and years later I don't have that problem anymore. That's the beauty, I have grown, we all have. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


First I want to share that I got accepted to the Altenew's Educator Program. Really excited to teach again and to explore more creative ways to combine stamping and lot's of other techniques within my hybrid projects. It's an honor to be a part of a team that's dedicated te learn and pass it forward. We can only be truly happy by sharing. Sharing is Caring, right? 

This is a project I feel really connected with. Ali is sharing her knowledge and inviting us to do the work. That's how it should be. As Ali says: "We are all students of life, we all are learning and don't know all the answers". So true ofcourse, coming from a motivational speaker background. 

Nobody can do the work for you, they can inspire you, take the leadership but you need to take the action. Only you can do that, nobody can do that for you. 

With just one word, a year long we are building our lives. It's not about the album, it's about the journey. Ofcourse the products makes it more fun. Going Hybrid style. And I am loving it. 

One little word 2019 is what I am currently dedicated to. I will share my January prompt design pages (it's a lot) in a couple of days. Worked really hard on it and love the way it turned out. But mostly I loved to think about my life and researching my word and what it means to me. Reflecting on my own life. It can be tough. But in the process you learn and grow. That's only possible in our toughest times. 

I noticed that I didn't even share my word. The meaning of this word is not in the dictionary. "Nothing in life has a meaning, only the meaning you give to it". Remember this and be gentle with yourself. 

Credits: Template: Ali Edwards, Letters: Elif Sahin Designs

Photography & Journalling 

Element Credits: Ali Edwards Design and Elif Sahin Design

Credits: Ali Edwards Habit digital kit January 2019
This months story kit theme from "Ali Edwards" is "habit". We are looking ways to tell our stories about the habits we have or want to have. Lucky for me I get the digital kit for free so I can create my own photo's and design every month. I am planning to start an album where I will have the place to document the monthly themes and tell as many stories as I can with the products, stamps and the digital kit. 

In the process of doing this I already trying to stick with my new habit of Journalling and Photography. These photo's above are shot in the dark and not edited. But I love the way they turned out. The angle is perfect. First pic is of me behind my desk stamping. The second photo by the christmas tree is me, at 5 am in the morning, journalling... 

And my journalling looks like this: (this is a shot from last night... ) 

This is a quick overview, I will be sharing the TLP pocketletter swap I am participating in soon. Right now I am focusing on learning and growing. Behind the scenes there is a lot going on with projects and maybe a spot on an amazing designteam. For now this is what I can share with you. 
