Friday, January 11, 2019


I just received my Story and Stamp "JOY" kit from Ali Edwards. Can't wait to play with it. You can still purchase this kit till January 13th. 
Before I dive in to the "JOY" class I will take the invitation from Ali to share my top 10 joyful moments (intuitive writing, not giving it much thought, that way you end up writing everything that you relate to JOY unconsciously)
My top 10 JOYful moments: 
1. The moment when you wake up with a really sweet message from your daughter: "Mom I love you, wish you were here" 

2. The moment when you realize that you have so many things to be grateful for and a genuine smile appears on your face. 

3. The moment when you are on your way to work, filled with so much gratitude, that you have a job in the first place. 

4. The moment when you hug your children and it feels like you've never been apart. 

5. The moment when you speak up for those who can't with the knowing it is the right thing to do.

6. The moment when you have a nice little conversation with a complete stranger on your way home. 

7. The moment when you think about JOY and you realize again that JOY is in everything and anything.

8. The moment when you come home after a hard day of work and your cat is welcoming you with cuddles on the couch and you still have your coat on. 

9. The moment when you miss your children so much and still find the strength to stay positive and give grace because they are worth every tiny bit of pain. Instantly the pain turns into a blessing. 

10. The moment when you feel so proud of yourself for standing up to a men who's treating you like garbage. 
Bonus: I learned that my JOYFUL moments are the moments others would describe as PAIN or STRUGGLE. Both are true, it depends on your point of view that is defined by the season you are in. 
Thanks for letting me share

Kind Regards, 


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