Friday, December 14, 2018


Yesterday was the birthday of my little girl... Dilara... She turned 12 years old.
Alara, my oldest, is so big now.... She will turn 14 in January.

Here are some pictures of my babies, my beautiful girls... When they were with me and after they needed to go (for their safety)... Miss them every day.

Here is Dilara, as a little girl, playing in the corner of the room where I did my scrapbooking...
Oh GOD, how I miss her!
almost a year old

Here is Dilara now: 
12 years old

Big "birthday"girl

Love this Photo so much: She is always the party maker .... I would give my life for that smile

Love this photo of her: I tried Ali Edwards photo angle tip.... 

This is Alara (my oldest) then:
2,5 years old

And Alara (almost 14) now: 
Gorgeous, so proud of my girls... 

Look at my girl, she is now a teenager... A beautiful girl. So proud of her. 

Please could someone help me to edit and help me to save this picture, sharpen maybe? 

Dilara, Alara and me (mom) (need help with a lot of picures to safe. 

 I am always grateful to have such an amazing, beautiful, perfect children. The loves of my life. 

You 2 are my everything.
There is no 1 day that I don't think about you my girls. Love you with all my body, heart and soul. You are both my Angels. This year with the one little word project, I will "GRIND" and do anything in my power to see you more and to show you how precious you both are.
No matter what happened in the past, I never forgot about you my girls. All I tried to do is to protect you.

I know, Alara & Dilara, it may not felt that way at the time. Maybe I should do things differently, I am also a human. I have my flaws, I am not perfect, but I tried my best to get to this point.
The bond and love we share together will NEVER be broken. I am here to stay, I am here to love you unconditionally, I am here, not to tell you, but show you what having a mother means.

Always in my heart... Love you my angels
